
buy Latuda cod The weather was a bit cooler this morning and we planned to be outside doing some yard work. We dressed Vada in jeans to protect her legs a little bit while she crawled around. Why are teeny tiny jeans so absolutely adorable?!? (Thank you Marlene & Ellen!) If she wasn’t chewing on a puppet farm book in the first photo you might mistake her for nine years not nine months. (She love, love, loves that book by the way Emily.)

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We set up a play area for her near where we worked. But she crawls all over the place anyway. She headed straight for the dolly and pulled herself up on it.


I made sure Toban got a shot from the back too!


One Comment

  1. alnemgrant says:

    Tiny wide-leg jeans and a hoodie?! How adorable! And how is it possible that she’s already more stylish than I am? (Rhetorical question. Don’t answer, please.)

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July 31, 2010 Uncategorized