Braids and the letter R

The share toy letter for Vada’s preschool today was R. Rapunzel! At first Vada was concerned about Rapunzel’s long hair getting too tangled at preschool. So we braided Rapunzel’s hair… And Vada’s!


March 20, 2015 Uncategorized

March 15, 2015 Uncategorized

March 14, 2015 Uncategorized


We have had a lot of rare sun here lately so I always grab my sunglasses when we head out. Today before we ran out Vada said she had to go grab her glasses!

March 11, 2015 Uncategorized

Art show

Vada’s preschool held an art show today. It is always one of my favorite events they do.


March 10, 2015 Uncategorized

Cloudy blanket

We went to the beach again this weekend to spend time in the sun and sand. We are our lunch sandwiches at an overlook where we could see the clouds peeling back to reveal the beach town we were headed to later.


March 8, 2015 Uncategorized


In a rare turn of events this morning Vada let me put pigtails in her hair. She was super proud.

March 4, 2015 Uncategorized

What is missing?

Vada played this surprisingly difficult game with me where she showed me this collection of small items, secretly removed one, and then had me guess what was missing. Each time I thought for sure I had memorized all the items but would then fail to think of the missing item. It was seriously hard!

March 1, 2015 Uncategorized


IMG_7657.JPGTo see what sinks and what floats.

February 25, 2015 Uncategorized

February 22, 2015 Uncategorized

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