I know that the Internet really doesn’t need any more pictures of , but alas we will post our photos as well. It was really amazing to see Central Park transformed by the sheer number of gates as well as the amount of people on hand to see it all.
The fabric was made of a ripstop nylon with a pleat every 4 inches or so.
The frame of the gates was actually plastic. I assume that it had a tubing frame on the inside covered in the plastic, but I’m not sure.
The Gates wrapping around Strawberry Fields.
We went to Mountain Creek for the third leg of the Chevrolet Grand Prix of Snowboarding. Aside from being the only people on the super-pipe over the age of 25 that weren’t there with children, it was a pretty impressive performance. Our little digital camera couldn’t handle the speed of the action so we’ve got a ton of artistically blurred photos.
It is interesting to hear the snowboarding “dudes” on the mountain get a bit quiet when a girl younger than they are, pulls a move like this.
Shaun White in the middle of a 900.
We recently gave cross country skiing a try. Carmen loved it. To me it seems like an awful lot of work to be considered recreational. From my experience, Olympic endurance events shouldn’t be casually attempted on a Saturday afternoon.
We skied at High Point State Park in New Jersey. This is the highest point in New Jersey, thus the name and the view behind Carmen.
I’m trying real hard to be happy.
This is me, shortly after turning down lessons and then promptly doing a face plant in front of said class. In all likelihood I am actually sliding back down the hill in this photo.
Every time it starts to snow up here the local meteorologist spaz and everyone hunkers down for the “storm of the century”. This year’s was relatively minor. We got about 12″ of snow, but it was clear in time for the Monday morning rush.
Preparing some pre-hike GORP. I’m pretty sure Hillary took prepackaged granola up Everest…
More photos after the jump.
How much gear does it take to get up the side of a small mountain?
Northern New Hampshire is known for its four star accommodations.
Starting up the mountain.
Carmen strapped into her crampons.
It was easier walking in crampons than I thought it would be.
Carmen with her robster craws.
Trekking poles are easy to collapse until they get clogged with rime ice.
Carmen and our EMS guide Craig post summit attempt. You can see the ice that has built up in all of the seems of her clothes.
Coming back to the visitors lodge at the bottom of the mountain.
Carmen smiling at the bottom.
This is apparently the face I make when I’m pulling boots over bruised shins.
The post climb debriefing. Our guide, Craig, shows where Carmen did her kite impression and got blown all over the mountain.
Last Saturday I finally got to go surfing! Toban and I drove a couple hours south down the New Jersey shore to Ocean City. I signed up for a group lesson at a local surf shop that included a beginner’s big, soft surfboard and wet suit. Toban stayed safe and dry on shore with the camera. There were 5 people signed up for the lesson (2 ladies around 30 years old, 2 boys around 10 years old, and me). Two tan, bleached hair surf dudes led the lesson. We sat on the beach for 15 minutes or so discussing ocean safety and the basics of surfing. The water was chilly at first but with the first crashing wave there was no choice but to get completely wet. I was very impressed with how warm the wetsuit kept me. I was also very impressed with how salty and powerful the ocean water is. I consider myself a decent, strong swimmer, comfortable in the water but the never-ending ocean waves immediately and continually let me know who is boss. In the water the surf dudes took turns helping each of us in the lesson try to surf. We lay on the boards, paddling in the waves as well as beginners can, while they pushed or pulled our boards in position. As the wave grabbed our boards the surfer dudes yelled ‘Get Up’. It was very frustrating to fight the waves so long and then fall off the surfboard so quickly. The surf dudes helped us for about an hour and then left us alone for another half hour. When they left I quickly realized how much they had been helping by keeping the surfboards steady and nosed up (like mom did with our water skis). I was able to get up on the surfboard a couple of times, at least long enough for Toban to snap a picture.
After two years of growing, I (Carmen) finally cut a 10″ pony tail to donate to Locks of Love — an organization that creates hair pieces for children with cancer. I chose a nearby salon that offered free haircuts for donors. I was the 48th donor this year at the salon.
This is the floorplan for the Condo. It isn’t exactly accurate as this is a pre-construction plan, but it is pretty close.
The building, including the new construction. Two Penthouse floors are being added to the top.
Our Condo is the one highlighted in blue.
This is the inside (obviously). This area will be part of the living room and the bedroom.
A shot of the walls and ceiling. It is just over 10 feet to the bottom of the floor supports and then another 18″ or so to the top of the ceiling. The duct work and sprinklers will be exposed.
This is the view from our balcony (at our current apartment) to the West. The Bay Street apartment is circled in red.
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