For the past seven or so years I have done nothing to my hair. Wash, comb, let grow, cut when irritatingly long, donate, repeat. I loved the ease of that plan but was increasingly bored with the straight flat hair. So Toban and I started talking again about a hairstyle that I have always talked about but never thought I could have… dreadlocks. Well, Portland just happens to be home to the Dread Goddess. Apparently folks travel from around the globe for an appointment because of the type of dreading she does. It is a method originating from Thailand in which your hair is crocheted with a teeny tiny crochet hook. This is what it looked like after one hour. The actual dreading happens over time. At a minimum, this shouldn’t be boring.
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The Dread Goddess??! That’s awesome! I’ve always wanted braids (ala Bo Derek, only without the beads), but that always seemed like such a "spring break in Cancun" thing to do, and I never actually went to Cancun for spring break. So I was just stuck with a pony tail.In junior high, the word was that to get dreads, you just smeared peanut butter in your hair and didn’t bathe for a long time. A teeny-tiny crochet hook is way cooler. More photos?
I do feel a bit like I just got back from a Caribbean vacation. We'll work on some more photos sometime. I am still getting comfortable with the mirror!