Vada went back to daycare today. Yea! And look at how cute she looks all dressed and layered and ready for fall. Double yea! And how sad am I going to be when she no longer lets me put together cute outfits for her. Boo!
It has been a long week here. Toban has been traveling for work. My online graduate course started (more on that some other time). Both Jamie and Vada have needed to go to the doctor for urgent issues. Both are fine – both on medicine. Jamie has an issue with her private parts that she would probably not want blogged about. Vada has an ear infection. Or should I say another ear infection as we are basically on the third one in the last three months. We are officially on watch now. Anymore and the doctor will not consider it “normal”. So today I stayed at home with Vada. She definitely does not feel well and her mood swings wildly. She also is sleeping quite a bit; falling asleep all sorts of places/times. Because she needs the rest I am doing whatever it takes to help her rest. For example, I am wearing her in the backpack while I type this because she fell asleep on our walk and I do not want to disturb her. We also went to a nearby baby consignment store today because I go out of mind trying to keep both Vada and myself engaged all day. Vada got the shape sorter truck. And I got Lincoln Logs. I have clearly lost my open minded kid sense of free play though because I immediately tried to google for building plans to follow. Jamie got a raw hide bone to chew on (not pictured).
Things are looking up now. Toban is on his way home and I have pizza delivery on the way too!
And more importantly how adorable is this outfit from Grandma Joan and Grandpa Cecil?!? I can’t get over how cute the little purple hot pants are with Vada’s baby legs.
Although it looks like a Classy Cat pom pom, the sparkly ball is actually a 99 cent cat toy.
Next week marks the start of the new “school year” for Vada’s daycare so today was the last day for her current classroom. The biggest kids will move up to the toddler room while Vada and her two little friends will stay in the Swoosh room for another year. They made a fairly big deal of the day with parents invited to a popsicle party. Photo collection type “yearbooks” featuring each child in the class and all of the activities they have done over the year were passed out. The kids moving on to the toddler room packed up all of their room supplies and walked them over to their new room. It was touching to see the teachers get teary-eyed saying goodbye to Vada and the other kids they were leaving – a nice reminder of how lucky we are to have such a loving, caring environment for her during the day. Half of the teachers are moving up with the toddlers while Laura, Vada’s primary caregiver, is staying in the Swoosh room with her and the other infants. It was more than a little weird to already start thinking about these yearly school transitions we will have with Vada. So before we start with some new faces and a new “school year” next week, here is a look back at Vada’s first (partial) year at daycare…
They do art projects in the room whenever the mood strikes. This first picture is Vada’s first piece of artwork.Music time was every Wednesday morning for Vada’s room.
I frequently visit Vada during the day whenever time allows or I need a reality check from work. Priceless benefit of on-site daycare.
Here you can see Vada’s Family board up on the window. Each kid has one in the room to share with their friends and help when they are feeling sad.
Vada started the year riding in the strollers and backpacks for the many walks around campus. This summer she transitioned to riding in the carts.
This summer they transitioned Vada to sleeping on a floor mat instead of in a crib. So cute! Sleep was going so poorly at home in the crib that we went ahead and moved her to the floor here as well!
And lots of time spent playing outside. But really if you had seven or so kids to watch all day wouldn’t you send them outside as much as possible too?
The three musketeers. Vada, Max, and Parker will lead the Swoosh room next year as the “big kids”.
We attempted to get a picture showing how far Vada’s fuzzy hair sticks up and out. They didn’t turn out amazing, but I think you get the idea. Several people have referred to it as dandelion hair.
Vada and I have been taking swimming lessons at the Nike pool for the last several weeks. It is a basic class to get you comfortable with your infant in the water. We sing songs and splash and kick in the water. Take turns on the fish shaped floats. Practice hanging on to the edge of the pool and even trying to jump in from the edge. Vada is very nonchalant about the whole thing.
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The Oceanside house we stayed at is owned by a family with two young children with great toys! We’re talking full mini kitchen, plan city car garage, all of the Toy Story characters (slinky dog is not as much fun as you would think), Star Wars light saber, the list could go on and on. It helped us have a great time inside during the grey and wet, I mean, lush and green weather!
This is Rody. A bouncy horse thing. Many giggles.Hey Cousin Cooper! Avast ye matey! Shiver me timbers! (Note: I couldn’t get Vada to hold the hook in her hand so I put it on her foot. She did, though, allow the hat for a surprising number of pictures.)
Some weird bent plywood scooter thing. (Note: This kills Mom and Dad’s knees.)
At the north end of the beach in Oceanside there is a cliff that juts out into the water. At low tide you can walk around it to get to the other side or you can walk through a passageway that has been cut through the cliff.
On the other side it opens up to smaller secluded beach that has a ton of birds and interesting rock formations.
We were also able to find a portion of the beach that was enclosed and free of people. Jamie got to run! Below is a series of her chasing Carmen. The funniest thing is how much distance Jamie covers in comparison to Carmen. Jamie was pretty flat out.
Birds perched on a rock in the water.
Vada and I looking over the edge of a large rock on the water’s edge.
Views along the beach.
The scale of the cliffs were impressive.
The moss on the rocks was a brilliant lime green.
Back through the tunnel.
We were able to get some quality time lounging on the deck in the sun during one of the breaks in the clouds and fog.
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